Veterinary hospitals face the same challenges as hospitals for humans. The flooring for these establishments needs to be clean, hygienic, and able to withstand foot traffic from both human feet and animal claws. This can make it tricky to choose the right veterinary flooring for your practice, but with a few simple tips, you will soon have the perfect flooring for your furry clients. 

When you are choosing veterinary flooring there are certain considerations to keep in mind. You will need to think about the types of animals that will be using your flooring, as their different feet and claws will have an impact on the durability of the floor. Water-proof and chemical-resistance flooring are also two important factors you will need to think about. 

Below we provide some top tips on how to choose the best veterinary flooring for your practice. 


Pick Your Performance Properties


The first step to choosing the best veterinary flooring for your needs is to pick the performance areas that mean the most to your practice. Every veterinary clinic will play host to a variety of large and small animals, but you will need to consider what type of foot traffic you will have on a daily basis. 

You will need to have slip-resistant flooring if you offer services to hooved animals. Your flooring will also need to be resistant to abrasions and scratches, in order to maintain the hygiene of your practice. Flooring should also be highly resistant to chemicals, as many surgical rooms and other areas will need to be cleaned with harsh chemicals. 


Easy To Clean


One of the most important considerations for veterinary flooring is that it is easy to clean. This is because there may be stains from animals left on the floor after a visit, or you might need to remove mud and grass from the flooring between each visit. A floor that can simply be wiped clean with warm water and cleaning liquid will save time and effort. 

An easy to clean floor is also non-absorbent, which is important in any medical facility. An absorbent floor could cause mould to form or unpleasant odors to linger in doctor’s rooms. Broadcast or epoxy flooring are both ideal choices for this, and both are relatively easy to maintain, allowing you to focus on your practice rather than on cleaning. 


Aesthetic Appeal


You might not consider aesthetic appeal when it comes to veterinary flooring, but choosing flooring that is too brightly coloured or patterned could cause stressed reactions in the animal patients. Be sure to choose a neutral colour to ensure that this reaction does not occur. You should also consider how the human patients will react to your flooring, so keep this in mind. 

You should look into light to medium floors, nothing too dark, and have a medium-gloss sheen so that light is reflected without the need for too many overhead lights. Polyurethane flooring can offer you this and is available in a variety of different colours and finishes. Many veterinary flooring choices range from light grey to dark grey, but you could also choose one in a pale green or blue colour. 


Maintenance Considerations


Maintaining your veterinary flooring is vital, especially if you are a busy practice and have a lot of visitors daily. Choose a flooring type that is durable and long-lasting, allowing you to continue operating for longer without needing to worry about downtime for maintenance. Epoxy and polished concrete flooring are ideal for this. 

Slip-resistant and abrasion-resistant flooring are easier to maintain, as their surfaces will not need to be replaced or maintained as often as other types. Be sure to look at your different performance needs, choose flooring that is easy to clean, and consider the aesthetic appeal. 

If you are interested in improving your veterinary flooring, feel free to contact Cape Industrial Flooring to find out how we can help you.