Having a beautiful floor in your home or office can make the space look and feel better. You can truly customise the room and make it stand out from others, especially if you are thinking about using epoxy flooring. However, while this flooring might be stunning to look at and easy to clean, there are some considerations to take int account when it comes to the costs. 

When you are looking at the epoxy flooring costs there are certain elements to consider. For example, you will need to look at the size of the room that will be receiving an epoxy flooring coating, the condition of the floor’s foundation, as well as how compatible the epoxy finish is with the flooring. 

If you would like to install this unique flooring in your home or office, below we take a look at what to consider for the costs. 


What Is The Condition Of The Floor?


One of the most important aspects to consider for the epoxy flooring costs is the quality or condition of your flooring. If your flooring has a weak foundation or if you are going to apply the epoxy flooring to a substrate floor, this will result in a poor bond and a finish that will not last as long as it should. 

Applying epoxy flooring to a floor with a weak foundation will eventually cause the floor to separate from the concrete. This can be hugely detrimental to your home or office flooring quality and could end up costing you more than you initially budgeted for. Before you ask for a quote for your epoxy flooring costs, you will need to perform a full assessment of your flooring or ask a professional to help you


What Is The Activity Of The Area?


Once you have assessed the flooring condition of your home or office, you will need to look at the activity of the area you will be covering in epoxy. If it is in an industrial setting, then you might need flooring that is slip-resistant and does not scratch easily. If the flooring will be exposed to chemicals, then it will likely need a stronger top coating. 

All of these activity factors, such as how often the flooring will be used and if any machinery will be used on the flooring,  will have an impact on the epoxy flooring costs. This is because it will have an effect on the thickness, the type of coating, and the method of application. The cost of your epoxy flooring could be significantly higher or lower based on these factors. 


How Old Is Your Floor?


If your office, warehouse, or home has an older floor, then it will likely have more stains and scuff marks than a newer floor. Now, you are probably wondering what this has to do with epoxy flooring costs, but an older floor means that your contractor will have to spend more time prepping your floor before applying the epoxy covering. 

This could add to the costs of your epoxy flooring, but it is a necessary step for any floor with significant stains or wear and tear. There will be an agitating or blasting phase which will clean away any debris or dust, a priming phase where a primer is used and the finally the epoxy will be installed. Without these steps, your floor will not bond with the epoxy flooring and it will likely separate easily or even break. 


Make Careful Measurements


The size of the area that you will be covering in epoxy will have a direct impact on the epoxy flooring costs of your project. You will need to measure it as correctly as possible before you approach any contractors so that you can receive an accurate quote. 

The costs will usually be calculated per square metre, which is how you should measure your floor. If you do not know how large the floor area is, you might be misquoted or you could find that you will be spending more than you can afford. If you are not sure how to measure the floor, you can call in a professional team to do this for you. This will ensure that the space is measured correctly. 

For those who would like to find out more about epoxy flooring costs, feel free to request a quote from Cape Industrial Flooring today to find out what we can offer you.